imported>Malacology 小 →Install: add link |
imported>Malacology 小 add tags |
第245行: | 第245行: | ||
<pre>php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod</pre> | <pre>php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod</pre> | ||
安装时设置用户 | 安装时设置用户 | ||
[[分类:Server]] |
2022年5月25日 (三) 10:34的版本
# pacman -S mariadb nginx # pacman -S php7 php7-gd php7-tidy php7-intl redis # php7 也可以替换为 php74,需要用 yay,若今后支持php8,可以替换为php $ yay -S wallabag
此处使用我自己的打包,即原来 AUR 的打包
cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled vim read.conf
server { listen 80; server_name YOUR_DOMAIN; return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl http2; server_name YOUR_DOMAIN; root /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/web; ssl_certificate YOUR_CRT_FILE; ssl_certificate_key YOUR_KEY_FILE; ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!CAMELLIA:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; error_log /var/log/nginx/wallabag_error.log; access_log /var/log/nginx/wallabag_access.log; location / { # try to serve file directly, fallback to app.php try_files $uri /app.php$is_args$args; } location ~ ^/app\.php(/|$) { # if, for some reason, you are still using PHP 5, # then replace /run/php/php7.0 by /var/run/php5 fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php74-fpm/php-fpm.sock; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$; include fastcgi_params; # When you are using symlinks to link the document root to the # current version of your application, you should pass the real # application path instead of the path to the symlink to PHP # FPM. # Otherwise, PHP's OPcache may not properly detect changes to # your PHP files (see https://github.com/zendtech/ZendOptimizerPlus/issues/126 # for more information). fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $realpath_root; # Prevents URIs that include the front controller. This will 404: # http://domain.tld/app.php/some-path # Remove the internal directive to allow URIs like this internal; } # return 404 for all other php files not matching the front controller # this prevents access to other php files you don't want to be accessible. location ~ \.php$ { return 404; } }
also, I make key for SSL avaiable
systemctl enable nginx systemctl restart nginx
mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql systemctl enable mariadb systemctl restart mariadb mysql_secure_installation mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE wallabag; use wallabag; CREATE USER 'wallabag'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'YOUR_PASSWARD' GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `wallabag`.* TO 'wallabag'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit systemctl restart mariadb
cd /etc/php74 或者 /etc/php7 或者 /etc/php vim php.ini # 删除相应extension前的; extension=bcmath ;extension=bz2 ;extension=calendar extension=curl ;extension=dba ;extension=enchant ;extension=exif ;extension=ffi ;extension=ftp extension=gd ;extension=gettext ;extension=gmp extension=iconv ;extension=imap extension=intl ;extension=ldap extension=mysqli ;extension=odbc ;zend_extension=opcache ;extension=pdo_dblib extension=pdo_mysql ;extension=pdo_odbc ;extension=pdo_pgsql ;extension=pdo_sqlite ;extension=pgsql ;extension=pspell ;extension=shmop ;extension=snmp ;extension=soap extension=sockets ;extension=sodium ;extension=sqlite3 ;extension=sysvmsg ;extension=sysvsem ;extension=sysvshm extension=tidy extension=xmlrpc ;extension=xsl extension=zip
vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/read.conf.php server { listen 80; server_name YOUR_DOMAIN; return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl http2; server_name YOUR_DOMAIN; root /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/web; ssl_certificate YOUR_CRT_FILE; ssl_certificate_key YOUR_KEY_FILE; ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!CAMELLIA:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; error_log /var/log/nginx/wallabag_error.log; access_log /var/log/nginx/wallabag_access.log; location / { # try to serve file directly, fallback to app.php try_files $uri /app.php$is_args$args; } location ~ ^/app\.php(/|$) { # if, for some reason, you are still using PHP 5, # then replace /run/php/php7.0 by /var/run/php5 fastcgi_pass unix:/run/YOUR_PHP-FPM_DIR/php-fpm.sock; # 注意替换/run/php74-fpm/php-fpm.sock为你的php-fpm地址 fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$; include fastcgi_params; # When you are using symlinks to link the document root to the # current version of your application, you should pass the real # application path instead of the path to the symlink to PHP # FPM. # Otherwise, PHP's OPcache may not properly detect changes to # your PHP files (see https://github.com/zendtech/ZendOptimizerPlus/issues/126 # for more information). fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $realpath_root; # Prevents URIs that include the front controller. This will 404: # http://domain.tld/app.php/some-path # Remove the internal directive to allow URIs like this internal; } # return 404 for all other php files not matching the front controller # this prevents access to other php files you don't want to be accessible. location ~ \.php$ { return 404; } }
cd /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/app/config vim parameters.yml
# This file is auto-generated during the composer install parameters: database_driver: pdo_mysql database_host: database_port: 3306 database_name: wallabag database_user: wallabag database_password: YOUR_PASSWORD database_path: /var/lib/mysql/wallabag database_table_prefix: wallabag_ database_socket: null database_charset: utf8mb4 domain_name: 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN' server_name: 'Your wallabag instance' mailer_transport: smtp mailer_user: null mailer_password: null mailer_host: mailer_port: false mailer_encryption: null mailer_auth_mode: null locale: en secret: ANY_SECRET twofactor_auth: true twofactor_sender: [email protected] fosuser_registration: true fosuser_confirmation: true fos_oauth_server_access_token_lifetime: 3600 fos_oauth_server_refresh_token_lifetime: 1209600 from_email: [email protected] rss_limit: 50 rabbitmq_host: localhost rabbitmq_port: 5672 rabbitmq_user: guest rabbitmq_password: guest rabbitmq_prefetch_count: 10 redis_scheme: tcp redis_host: localhost redis_port: 6379 redis_path: null redis_password: null sentry_dsn: null
cd /usr/share/webapps/wallabag php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod # php可以改为php74,或者相应的php版本 # 第三步一定要新建用户
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod